Its All Been Said Before But Its Worth Reiterating
1.Do as much research as possible. If you Google 'Bulgaria property as an emerging market' you will find many positives sites - if you google 'collapse of Bulgarian property market' you will find just the same number.The truth will be different for different areas of Bulgaria and for different types of property. Read ALL of the bumph for the full view.
2. Do your own searches before you contact anyone, so that you know and agree what you want. There is no need to get involved in the inspection flight and hard sell route if you can spend a few free hours on the internet, and then in correspondance with the broker.
3.Off plan can provide a good investment but ensure you know what you are buying, the sq footage and style.
4. Buy a property you like, where you will want to visit often and that you wont mind funding in the leaner letting periods.
5. Try to search just beyond the already popular and top tourist areas. If you are looking at this as an investment property you need to get in at the start of an up and coming area, where you have an expectation of price increase in the future.
6. Buy a property in a place that is popular with locals as well as tourists, to ensure the widest audience for resale.
7. What are the local amenities? If you are going to let the property other holiday makers may not appreciate the solitary house at the top of the mountain you fell in love with.
8. Where is the nearest airport. Do the budget airlines fly there? Weigh it up.If it costs £1000 to plus jabs and malria tablets, you will have fewer enquiries but you may be charging more rent on a cheaper purchase.
9.View the property and surrounding areas out of season. Have you been to Barmouth in January? DO you know what the rainy season looks like?
10.Check planning laws before looking and especially before putting in an offer. It is pointless having the vision if you will not be able to make alterations.
11. Check the inheritance laws of the country where you are buying eg in France your property will pass straight to your children not your spouse.Invest in that extra will.
12. Always take independent advice.
13. Try to learn some of the language of the country you are moving to. It can make acceptance and all areas of life much simpler.
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