18 Feb 2009

Baghdad Property Markets Emerging

Today I heard that property prices in Baghdad were rising due to the new feeling of security and stabilty. House prices in some areas of central Baghdad had gone up by 50% and rents have almost doubled in the past year. While bombings and assainations continue, though not at the same rate as at the peak of the Suni Shiite warring in the city, the atmosphere is calm enough to encourage the return of many of the refugees who had fled the troubles in 2005-2007, all of who are looking for property- the UN refugee agency expects that 500,000 will come back this year if the violence stays at present levels. the property boom is even headed as "Sky Rocketing Baghdad Property Prices" on http://www.islamonline.net/ I am not sure there will be a rush for overseas property investors to Iraq. As with most things it is the ratio of supply and demand which affects pricing. It seems that Dubais property boom has been far too efficient in supplying the demand for new properties and you can now see Dubai property for sale at much reduced prices, even listed as distressed, by the big developers.