Spain still tops the favourite destination chart – Spanish homes accounted for over a quarter of all purchases – but newer markets are fast emerging as investor favourites. City Property in Berlin, Warsaw or Bucherest are proving good investments for the brave, and those in search of a safer risk are looking towards the Middle East, with Dubai and Abu Dhabi the property hotspots.
Savvy investors have seen high capital growth and strong rental yields in their property investments, but this is by no means always the case. Media reports continually highlight the flip side to property investment and horror stories involving purchases abroad appear almost daily.
Overseas property investment is not something to be taken lightly, but there are certain steps you can take to ensure that investment in a home overseas does not end in tears. By applying a combination of thorough research, due diligence and canny financing, buying a property abroad should have a happy ending.
Research holds the key to success. Only careful analysis of the myriad of factors involved in a purchase means you can be sure of walking into an investment with your eyes wide open. Aspects such as the local and national economy, the tourist industry and property market history are all essential when it comes to making an investment decision. Investment Property Sales offers overseas properties, bought as investments, retirement properties, holiday homes, buy to let property or development opportunities in emerging property markets and can help you make the right choices.